FIRST THINGS FIRST: I forgot to mention I have a splint/wafer. And I hate it. I can feel it getting stinkier by the meal. And I'm also rubber banded shut, so I cannot talk. Pretty much means syringe feeding is the only way to go. Basically, everything I do is just 10x slower. I DO have an appointment with my surgeon on Tuesday though, and I assume he's going to teach me to undo my rubberbands, so things'll be able to go a little tiny bit faster.
I can't believe it's only day 2. Sigh. Time flies when you're lying in bed drinking various liquids through a syringe all day. Except not really.
Pain: I'd say the average has been at about a 2.5/10 all day. Mostly, my jaw joints ache, like they need to be stretched out or something, but there'll be none of that for 5 more days. Oogh.
Numbness: same as yesterday.
Discomfort: Still sick of the swelling, but I'm learning to deal.
Events for today: I've moved on from ice packs. Now I'm on heat! And only one more day of wearing the jaw bra *YAYAY*
This heat pack kinda smells like fried chicken. But my other one smells like plastic, and I don't know which smell is worse!
I took a shower today. Except it was really half bath half shower. And I discovered, it's really hard to breath when your nasal passages are swollen.
I've started to feel the tingles and the phantom itches today, which makes this tumblr post relevant.
I also got seasons 3-8 of Full House! (I already had seasons 1 and 2). So I'm pretty much set for the rest of recovery! And the rest of my life......... !
I had my first laughing fit today too. I was making weird faces at myself in the mirror, and started laughing. It truly does hurt. 0/10 jaw surgery patients would recommend.
And I got more flowers! Yay :) |
I think the most frustrating thing today was that while I'm laying in bed I feel like I have all this energy, but then I get up to do a simple thing like take a shower, and I have to take a nap afterward. I'd much rather be out running or working or even talking! |
My cousin is getting married tomorrow, and unless some miracle happens by tomorrow morning, I'm probs not going to the wedding.
Jaw surgery stinks. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
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