Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Happy New Years everyone!
I'm gonna come right out and say that I'm mostly excited for this new year, because it's most likely the the last one with this defective jaw of mine. 5-8 more months baby!
Along with the new year, other stuff that's new includes my teeth are moving and I think my open bite is getting smaller because of it! Huzzah!

Have a good New Years Eve everyone!

Love, Isabel (the girl who got glasses and braces within a month of each other, so she's now pretty much the ultimate dork), and her jaws (named Max and Mandy-- short for Maxilla and Mandible)

P.S. (this is totally unrelated to the jaw world. BUT.) the song of the moment is "Let it Go" from Disney's new movie, Frozen. Everyone should see it BECAUSE IT'S SO GOOD. The end.

I'll post again next year!

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Latest Ortho Appointment

So I had an ortho appointment today.
It was short and sweet! I just got my bottom wire changed.
Next appointment in 8 weeks. I have one more wire change, and then I'M READY.
And Dr. Christiansen said I'd most likely be ready for surgery this summer!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ortho Appointment

I just got back from an orthodontist appointment about 10 minutes.
I got new wires! But the wire they'd planned to put on my bottom teeth wouldn't go on, so I have a less heavy duty wire on the bottom, and I'm due back for another appointment in 3 weeks.
Other than that, the appointment was fine, except my ortho, Dr. Christiansen said I might have to get double jaw surgery after all. He said he's afraid that if I only get my lower jaw done, I might still end up with an open bite. It'd be a smaller open bite, but an open bite is an open bite.
I don't really care how many jaws of mine are operated on, it'd just be nice to know exactly.
It'd also be nice to know a surgery date. I was going to ask Dr. Christiansen when he'd think I'd be ready for surgery, and totally forgot, so I can't forget to ask him at my next appointment!
That's all for now. I'm sure my teeth will start hurting in a matter of hours. Yaaaaaay.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


I've been really dreading having to post this, because I HATE MY PROFILE. I feel cliché for saying "My chin is one of my biggest insecurities" but it really is. I also feel cliché for saying "I feel cliché". It's fine. I'm over it. Especially because everytime I think of the word 'insecure' I think of the song "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction, which makes me think of this:
It makes me laugh.

Don't mind my sense of humor. I don't even know what it is.
I don't know WHY I've been dreading posting these pictures, because everyone I know in real life sees me like this every day, and I should just stop caring what everyone thinks cause it doesn't matter! Things are the way they are, and I can't do anything til I get jaw surgery. That's that. Here we gooooo......
Profiles/non-profile photos

Relaxed side profile

Forcing my mouth closed profile

I've always thought my profile kinda looks like a tangent graph. #calculusnerd

Is this a tangent graph? Or an outline of my face? No one will ever know!

Two posts in one day. I think that's enough for now. I'll try to post either tomorrow, the next day, or the next day! Life is busy yo. I'll post eventually though! Never you fear, you non-existent followers!

Patience is a Virtue

Hey... all you who read my blog. Or don't read my blog. If you're reading this right now, feel free to follow or comment! It'd be nice to know who's out there.
Anywho, time to get to what I've decided this pointless post to be about: patience.
I feel like this whole orthognathic surgery process is one big waiting game. Before I knew I needed jaw surgery, I waited a few years in much self-conscienceness for someone to tell me what was wrong with my jaw. Now I'm waiting to get surgery. And after surgery I just know I'll be super impatient for my swelling and numbness to go away. So much waiting, so much impatience. Right now, I think about jaw surgery everyday. I can't wait to be able to bite things, and to be able to close my mouth without thinking about it, and to have a chin (speaking of which I should probably post some profile pictures, as I haven't done that yet...).
Off the subject of patience...
I've noticed when someone notices I've gotten braces, they'll make a comment usually along the lines of "Oh! You got braces!" and then they proceed to tell me their whole braces story, and give advice on what to with my braces. I don't really listen since I've already had braces twice, but I don't tell them that either, so I just tune them out. It's weird that a lot of people I've known for quite a while don't even remember me having braces two times prior to this.
I have an orthodontist appointment on Tuesday! I can't really tell how far my teeth have moved since I got my braces on,
2 days in braces


Now that I look at these pictures, my midline looks sketchy. Oh dear. But there's nothing I can really do about it right now so it's whatever.
I've discovered that if I move my lower jaw forward actually touch! I wasn't able to do that before this set of braces! It's been nice to actually kind of bite stuff sometimes, even if it does strain me a lot!

My wisdom teeth removal has left holes in my mouth. Empty shells of nothingness that act as traps for my food.
There's been nothing going insurance-wise, other than the secretaries at my oral surgeon's office said the new insurance we're getting isn't known for funding jaw surgery. So... money. Yeah.
I think that's all for now! I might try to post profile pictures today. Maybe.